Prepare For The Most Common Fall and Winter Illnesses

man sick on the couch

Find tips to prepare and prevent the most common fall and winter illnesses. Respiratory illnesses can strike year-round but are typically more prevalent during the fall and winter months due to more time spent indoors, and the cold, dry air weakening the immune system making it more susceptible to germs. Learn how to prepare for…

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The Difference between COVID-19, the Flu, Allergies, RSV, and a Cold

sick girl

We’ve all been there; you wake up with a sore throat and your brain immediately starts rattling off the possible sicknesses you’ve caught. With cold and flu season colliding with COVID-19 spikes, it’s hard to tell what you’ve come down with. Cue the frantic Googling! To help settle some of the confusion, we’ve provided a…

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