lady eating healthy meal

How What You Eat Affects Your Sleep

Discover the connection between diet and sleep quality. Learn the importance of what you put in your body and its effect on sleep.

Sleep quality depends on more factors than the number of hours we actually get while sleeping. Eating habits are extremely crucial in determining the quality of sleep. Discover the correlation between what you eat and its effects on nutrition and, in turn, your sleep.

The Connection Between Sleep & Nutrition

Have you ever had a “bad night’s sleep” and woke up feeling the effects the next day? You may feel it is harder to concentrate or experience excess hunger, but overall, your body just doesn’t feel quite right.

Did you know that poor sleeping habits over years can increase the risk of serious chronic health problems? Nutrition is a direct link to influencing the body’s natural processes, like sleep. Proper nutrition over the course of a day helps produce the neurotransmitters needed for healthy sleep. 

You can follow the general healthy eating guidelines to ensure you eat the correct food for a good night’s sleep. 

Tips on Eating for The Best Sleep

1. Monitor Caffeine Intake

Most people know caffeine is a stimulant. We take it to feel more alert and oftentimes to fight sleepiness. Sometimes, people mistakenly believe that one more espresso shot on a tough day won’t affect the quality of nighttime sleep. However, avoiding caffeine right before bed isn’t enough. Caffeine can stay in the body for at least five hours. To prevent disruptions to your sleep, consume caffeine moderately, limiting it in the afternoon and evenings. 

2. Moderate Alcohol Consumption

It’s easy to think alcohol won’t affect the quality of sleep because of the drowsiness it causes after consumption. The hard knockout is exactly the problem. The quick deep sleep interrupts the correct sleep pattern for a healthy night of sleep. It is best to drink in moderation and not too close to bedtime.

3. Snacks Before Bed

It is important to eat heavier meals hours before bedtime to give your body enough time to digest the food. Digestion slows once your body relaxes for sleep, increasing the chance that you’ll be awoken by issues trying to digest a large meal. However, you should not go to sleep hungry either, as this affects sleep as well. Hunger is a known factor in keeping you awake. Eat a quick light snack at bedtime if hunger persists so growling or other hunger symptoms do not interrupt your rest.

4. Stay Consistent

Keeping a consistent routine of eating close to the same time each day and eating a healthy balance of nutrients will create a healthy, natural body rhythm. 

What Food Items to Eat & Not Eat for Healthy Sleep

As mentioned earlier in the article, eating the correct food for a good night’s sleep can be achieved by following the general healthy eating guidelines. However, there are some key things to avoid and add to your diet to ensure a healthy night of sleep.

In addition to moderating caffeine and alcohol intake, you should avoid high-protein, fatty, and spicy foods before bedtime to prevent discomfort and sleep disruption. As mentioned above, digestion naturally slows down when you sleep.

Healthy eating habits encourage a healthy sleep pattern. Consuming a diet of foods high in melatonin, tryptophan, and magnesium improves sleep quality. These include foods like eggs, fish, chicken, spinach, and so much more.

If you or a loved one find yourself in a medical emergency due to a lack of food intake or consumption of the wrong food item, our facility is open 24/7 to alleviate your symptoms and get you back to feeling normal. Come on into Kyle ER & Hospital for expert emergency room services featuring adult and pediatric care without the wait.

Disclaimer: As a service to our readers, Kyle ER & Hospital and Nutex Health state no content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.